About us
Castle Dresses was founded in 2020 by Castle alumna, Emma
Simpson, to create a scheme to allow Castle JCR members to
borrow dresses free of charge for events.
The inclusive scheme is ever-growing, from an original rack of 10
dresses to over 200 in our wardrobes today! We try to cater to as
many people and sizes as possible, with items ranging from sizes
All our outfits are sustainably sourced from Vinted, Depop and your donations. We aspire to spread body confidence and body positivity with our scheme, helping everyone feel their best, and aim to keep events accessible for all with free dress rentals.
We host open days where you can try on as many dresses as
you fancy alongside our hard working team. At Castle, we are
lucky enough to be able to host these shop open days in
beautiful spaces, such as the fabulous Bishops' Suite of Durham
Castle, where it is said the late Queen Elizabeth II stayed when
she visited Durham!
The addition of this website to our scheme hopes to make borrowing a dress even easier, allowing Castle JCR members to take out a dress at any time, for any event.
We are always open to suggestions of ideas or specific dresses you'd like to see; just reach out to us on Instagram (@castle_dresses), or by email.
We hope you love our inventory as much as we do!
Love Castle Dresses xx